colorful lineup was founded by Lauren Zane & Satya Sullivan

Satya is a cinematographer by trade and has worked on commercial, corporate, documentary, and music video productions. During her time as a DP in a Providence-based film studio, she worked with non-profits to create empowering films. She is currently pursuing a graduate degree in Marine Affairs with the University of Rhode Island where she had the “aha” moment for a platform for women of color surfers. Colorful Lineup was born.

Lauren is a PhD student in Marine Biology at the University of Rhode Island, where she is studying coral eco-physiology and the coral lipid metabolism. Prior to URI, she conducted biological research at UC Berkeley, Duke University Marine Lab and at NOAA. By leading efforts for a more inclusive scientific community, Lauren realized the parallels between representation, sense of belonging and equity in both the science and surf communities. This, together with conversations with Satya inspired the mission of Colorful Lineup.